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About Us

Stuart Davison, our founder, observed the profound anguish brought upon families when Russia invaded Ukraine. Because of this, he felt driven to take action and connected with Mark from Google. They sent their first delivery in March 2022. Although Stuart was nervous about driving long distances, the gracious welcome they received upon delivering aid-- complete with their own fire brigade escort-- made him determined to travel again in July 2022 with David Ford Porter and his wife, Keiko.


This time, Hull4Ukraine contributed an impressive 50 pallets of supplies. Thinking the conflict would soon come to a close, Stuart assembled another team of friends - Ian Wilson, Pete Stafford and Mitch - and also welcomed a special guest, Paddy Doherty who won Celebrity Big Brother in 2011. Everyone was enchanted when they visited Sister Julie's monastery and Paddy felt deeply inspired. In the end, an extra two days spent in London led Stuart to take the trip to Kyiv solo, providing Kyiv hospital with much needed emergency medical supplies. To draw attention to Stuart and his team of volunteers' altruistic endeavours, they had a film crew from Picture Point in tow. As they gear up for their June 2023 mission, Stuart and his companions are making plans to revisit the monastery as well as supply assistance to the military. 


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